How Secure Is Your Front Door?

Ever wondered how much security your front door actually offers? It's probably not something that you think about all that often, but there might have been a spate of break-ins in your neighbourhood, or you might have a friend or family member who has been robbed, making you consider whether your own front door will be able to keep potential thieves out. If you want to beef up the entrance to your home, there are a few things you can do. Read More 

Is It Time To Contact A Locksmith For Garage Remote Replacement?

As long as you do not want to lift and lower your garage doors manually, you need automated doors that are controlled by a garage door remote. However, like your TV remotes, the garage door variety is bound to develop some issues down the road that will limit their functionality. In some cases, these could be minor hiccups that you could fix on your own. Alternatively, you could need the expertise of a locksmith to replace and reprogram your new garage door remote. Read More 

Why A Locksmith Can Do More Than What You Think

When people hear the term locksmith, many would assume it is an antiquated position more useful in a time where a locked door was the only security measure you could take. They (wrongly) assume that locksmiths have not adapted with the times and have remained a singularly focused occupation in an industry that is moving further away from them. In fact, just like every other industry, locksmiths have adapted with the times and their range of services has expanded to the more modern era of home security. Read More 

3 Benefits Of Re-keying The Locks On Your Business Premises

As a business owner, you want to ensure that your commercial premises are kept secure at all times. Even before you can think of installing a security surveillance system, you will need to ensure that the locksets on all your doors are as secure as can be. If you have just moved your business to new office space, then you may want to speak to a commercial locksmith about re-keying your locks. Read More 

3 Factors to Consider When Buying Locks for Your Home

Locks are an integral facet of home security. When looking to purchase locks for your home, you can be spoilt for choice considering the wide variety available in the market. However, with a little guidance, this exercise can be less daunting. The following tips will provide you with a guideline on the considerations to make when choosing locks for your home. Security Grading Most lock manufacturers utilise a security grading system to rate the performance of their locks. Read More